Circa riccardoMultiSL

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Finora riccardoMultiSL ha creato 23 post nel blog.

Webinar: Monitoraggio della dose radiante – 49° Congresso Nazionale, Società Italiana di Radiologia Medica e Interventistica

Radiologia 2020 - IL CAMBIO DI ROTTA49° Congresso Nazionale - Società Italiana di Radiologia Medica e InterventisticaRimini, 1-2 Ottobre 2020Webinair - Monitoraggio della dose radiante: un dovere verso il Paziente e un beneficio per il servizio radiologico nel controllo dei Livelli Diagnostici di Riferimento e nell’ottimizzazione di protocolli e procedure. Davide CARAMELLA (Pisa)Stefano RIVETTI (Sassuolo, MO)

Webinar: Monitoraggio della dose radiante – 49° Congresso Nazionale, Società Italiana di Radiologia Medica e Interventistica2020-11-03T10:48:53+01:00

NEVER STOP Advancing Healthcare

Algoritmi intelligenti a servizio della Diagnosi: l’applicazione di tecnologie avanzate a supporto del lavoro del Radiologo nel quotidiano e nelle situazione di emergenza.   Dott. Giovanni Delgrossi - Head of IT Department, ASST Vimercate Ing. Nicola Bilibio - Clinical Specialist Medical Informatics (CSE) Fujifilm Europe GmbH

NEVER STOP Advancing Healthcare2020-11-03T10:35:27+01:00

Medical Informatics

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Phasellus laoreet, mauris sed mollis sagittis, lectus sapien volutpat lacus, ac laoreet quam ante a augue. Nullam eu congue lacus. Sed malesuada, nibh ut elementum aliquam, purus nibh luctus quam, et elementum massa sem nec justo.

Medical Informatics2020-07-26T12:18:27+02:00

Pisa University Hospital uses Synapse 3D to improve diagnostic management of patient during the COVID19 pandemic

By developing a new technological solution to support radiologists in the emergency room, Synapse 3D has delivered faster and more objective visual analysis of the onset of COVID-19 The novel Coronavirus infection (severe acute respiratory syndrome SARS-CoV-2), which has led to the spread of COVID-19 around the world, has upset normal workflow in hospitals. The

Pisa University Hospital uses Synapse 3D to improve diagnostic management of patient during the COVID19 pandemic2020-07-21T21:38:00+02:00


Fujifilm technology supports every step, from a patient’s arrival at the hospital until the completion of the service, helping Professionals giving a better care to their patient.

NEVER STOP2020-07-18T15:40:38+02:00

NEVER STOP Fighting Breast Cancer

Mammography is still the gold standard in the early diagnosis of breast cancer and the relevant test for breast screening programs. Fujifilm collaborates with Doctors developing new technologies for a better diagnosis.

NEVER STOP Fighting Breast Cancer2020-07-17T12:35:31+02:00

NEVER STOP Promoting Innovative Technology for Healthcare Organizations

Vimercate Hospital is part of the Regional Healthcare society and manages the prevention, diagnosis, care and rehabilitation of the Lombardy residents, with the prime goal of driving improvements in their general health and wellbeing.

NEVER STOP Promoting Innovative Technology for Healthcare Organizations2020-07-01T09:29:47+02:00

Medical Equipments

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Phasellus laoreet, mauris sed mollis sagittis, lectus sapien volutpat lacus, ac laoreet quam ante a augue. Nullam eu congue lacus. Sed malesuada, nibh ut elementum aliquam, purus nibh luctus quam, et elementum massa sem nec justo.

Medical Equipments2020-07-01T08:12:46+02:00


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Phasellus laoreet, mauris sed mollis sagittis, lectus sapien volutpat lacus, ac laoreet quam ante a augue. Nullam eu congue lacus. Sed malesuada, nibh ut elementum aliquam, purus nibh luctus quam, et elementum massa sem nec justo.

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