The Philosophy

Pre-Owned Systems that offer Value and Reliability

Our NEXTLIFE MRI & CT philosophy represents an ideal combination of value, reliability, and recognized FUJIFILM quality.

Our NEXTLIFE MRI & CT philosophy follows some specific steps, all standardized by FUJIFILM, starting with a careful selection and System check of pre-owned systems. Each step is performed by our experienced engineers, who ensure that the system is inspected and tested, and meets our NEXTLIFE certified MRI & CT quality and performance standards.

The advantages of FUJIFILM’s NEXTLIFE MRI & CT systems are:

  • System quality and performance
  • Proven reliability
  • Consolidated experience in delivery and installation
  • System upgrade to the latest software and hardware *(Computer upgrade, software version upgrade)
  • System warranty options *
  • FUJIFILM approved on-site application training program *
  • FUJIFILM Sentinel customer support© (remote service) *

Our NEXTLIFE supports not only at the time of installation but also with after-care. 
Procuring directly from FUJIFILM gives you the assurance of purchasing a renewed product that meets and exceeds the expected standards.

* These are Options and the availability is depending on the System Model and Contents of the Contractual Coverage.