Healthcare of Tomorrow

The podcasts tell how the intersection of technological possibilities and new needs is the driving force behind a small revolution, opening a window on how medicine and the doctor-patient relationship are likely to look in the next years. Podcast - Healthcare of Tomorrow The podcasts tell how the intersection of technological possibilities and new needs

Healthcare of Tomorrow2022-02-15T12:05:21+01:00

Accelerate Innovation

How the pandemic accelerated innovation and the adoption of new technologies and procedures in the healthcare field in Spain. Podcast - Accelerate Innovation How the pandemic accelerated innovation and the adoption of new technologies and procedures in the healthcare field in Spain. EPISODE 1 One in 5 people with cancer may have gone cancer undiagnosed

Accelerate Innovation2022-02-15T11:53:01+01:00

The Future of Radiology

Tackling change with proactivity and new ideas born in the field, during the months of the pandemic.               Podcast - The Future of Radiology Tackling change with proactivity and new ideas born in the field, during the months of the pandemic. EPISODE 1 Radiologists can see through! We get

The Future of Radiology2022-02-15T12:00:55+01:00
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